Thursday, 5 July 2012

Just dance!

Day two  Working at Herbal Magic I was exposed to a plethora of different people.... all of them with the same goal; to attain a healthier happier life by losing weight. In Woodbridge Ontario many of the clients were grotesquely wealthy, yet still unsatisfied in their personal lives and their physical appearance. 99% of my clients were Italian Catholics devout in their beliefs.... I hate the stereotype that goes along with Italian-Americans or Italian-Canadians, however in my experience I found many of them to be true! One of my first days working in Woodbridge, a lovely Italian lady came in and was questioning me about supplements and our programs when she stopped midsentence looked me straight in the eye and said "are you Italian?" I replied, "no, I am Irish. " She twisted your mouth into a small frown, furrowed her brows and said, "what a waste! " I grew up on Quadra Island British Columbia. Although very culturally diverse, our lines of "differences" were very blurred. To me it was almost as though we were all one race, one religion so when I transplanted myself into Woodbridge Ontario I wasn't prepared for the total culture shock! It was almost as though I had picked up and moved directly to Italy.... Beautiful and passionate, the people are fiercely family-oriented. When they love they love with their whole hearts, being their fancy cars, their fine clothing, or their exquisite food. Try being a young naïve woman, such as I was, working in a weight loss center trying to convince the Nona in front of you that she had to cut down her pasta drastically.... I was often not liked nor understood when I explained the Herbal Magic program... It's a fairly simple real food-based eating regime. The plus side to this program is that there is no prepackaged meals, so if and when you quit the program you can continue on with real food and not going to prepackaged food withdrawal (I'm talking to you Jenny Craig). A lot of the success in losing weight is about opening your eyes,  and being conscious to what you are doing to your self. How many times did I hear, "I didn't realize that one can of pop was over 300 cal! " And even, "What do you mean potato chips aren't considered vegetables?" It's true, many  people are oblivious to what they're doing to sabotage their weight loss... Rule #1 you must eat to permanently loose weight! The fastest way to sabotage your weight loss is to not eat! If you think of your body like a fireplace, people on Quadra Island will understand this one... you're constantly stoking your fire! You're putting pieces of wood in there and you're making sure that the fire is burning. The more good wood the hotter the fire. If you put bad wood on the fire can be snuffed out...  When you end up letting the fire burned down to coals sometimes it's impossible to throw a big chunk of wood on and expect flames to ignite. A long steady burning fire is always best, but if you can stoke it first thing in the morning get it burning really nice and hot you don't really have to worry about it for the rest of the day.... Just feed it lightly.... So this brings me to your metabolism and your morning meal... you must eat in the morning if you want to be successful in weight loss! Stoke that fire first thing in the morning! I like fruit, fiber, and protein... the fruits sugars give you a bit of a boost, the fiber will help you move things along (poop!!), and I find protein helps with concentration and the feeling of fullness to continue on the day... From my experience in Woodbridge, breakfast was non existence! 4 cups of coffee and starve practically until dinner.... It is amazing to see how attitudes did change once the routine sets in. Your body needs to know that there's always food coming, so it won't go into starvation mode crashing your metabolism. Snacking is promoted, just conscious snacking not mindless shoving of food into your face.... My biggest downfall is justification eating. That is when you say, "I'm a good person dammit! I will eat this because I am a good person and I work hard! " I have to rework those inner thoughts and say "I'm a good person and I deserve to wear summertime clothes and not to feel like a circus sideshow..." "I'm a good person and I deserve to be able to bend down and tied my shoes without great effort!" As your confidence within you grows with your conscious decisions about food and physical activity you will stop tugging at your clothing, sucking your tummy, and wondering which bulges might be leaking out of said clothing that particular moment. At herbal Magic I have had clients come in wanting to lose anywhere from five to two hundred lbs. This is where I learned even though you may have a perfect body to me your body is not perfect to you....thus I no longer judge! I have not, nor will I ever claim to be an expert in nutrition or exercise, however I have tried almost everything that is out there, some with successful results and some with very disastrous  results.... I only write from my opinion and experience. Along with the morning meal, if you were able to exercise, any kind of exercise in you will be more successful in your weight loss. One of the greatest exercises I have found is the "crazy dance". We all have those songs come on the radio and your body just uncontrollably begins to dance. I say, make yourself a mix tape, CD, or download your favorite songs onto an MP3 player... These "power" songs are the ones that make your body move! Now put your "power" songs on and let go! If you're a flailer then flail... if not you'll get there soon... Just dance and enjoy!! The more you can do this and the more freely you feel about flailing the more calories you burn, and of course the easier it is to laugh at yourself!Rule #2 for losing weight, you must be able to laugh at yourself. You will have times that you feel low and hopeless this is when you must laugh! The hardest part about physical activity is getting up and getting started. So many excuses can come up when you're faced with "workout time". What I say to myself, "I will get up, I will move around for five minutes, and if I do not think that I can make it for the remaining 25 minutes (or whatever) then I will quit..." I never have actually quit, in fact I usually push myself even harder and further for longer!! but I have to promise myself to get up and get moving. No matter what the workout or physical activity is you never feel better than after you're finished! Day two Breakfast Two eggs scrambled Two pieces of weight watchers toast, one lightly buttered with sprinkled cinnamon and Stevia the other plain. One cup banana and strawberries with cinnamon. 24oz water 10oz coffee black (yuck) Supplements B6/B12, multivitamin, omega-3. Lunch Noodle salad.  (Sliced cucumbers and tomato with secret sauce...and rice noodles) 3oz leftover chicken (last nights) 24oz water Apple nectarine and grapes(1/2 cup) Snack Rice cake with 1/2 oz meted old cheddar cheese sprinkle, a curry and slice of tomato. Dinner 8oz of ground beef sautéed with a ton of mushrooms, splash of soy sauce, sprinkle of garlic powder curry and minced onions. Fancy rice. Brown rice, prepared as usual except instead of the full amount of water, use half as fruit juice. season the water/fruit juice with minced onions, dill, and garlic. bring to a boil add rice simmer fluff service with ground beef concoction. Steamed broccoli cauliflower and green beans lightly buttered and pepper. Dessert Frozen low-fat or no fat putting (chocolate) fresh berries. Literally take your low-fat or nonfat pudding cups and put them in the freezer you'll thank me later! Physical activity Wii fit for a half hour and dancing my ass off with doing housework!  Yay power songs!!!

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